Measure the information as a intangible material

Article published in 2006, Thursday Abril 13 in

Until now we have only been able to use the information as a tool to inform about facts and develop economic and scientific programs. But we have not been able to measure the information as a intangible material, meaning the information per se, for its properties and qualitative value.

What is that intangible material that we know as information and that is in theelections4 origin and formation of everything and from which all of our activities depend on?

Based on that question Anxtón Sarasqueta has developed an investigation which goal was to discover the information as an intangible material from which facts are weaved out and then marks its evolution. If we are able to know what the information contains and how it evolves, we will be able to know more accurately its value as well as the impact it will have.

The acronym VAC stands for Value Added to Communication, and it is the first platform of systems, contents and applications that manages directly the information as a source of added value.

Since 1995 Multimedia Capital (company founded by Sarasqueta), has inaugurated a new internet platform for CEO´s, communication specialists, investors, analysts, all forms of media, and for all type of people who would like to use the information as a source of added value.

How the VAC SYSTEM works

Ranging from the more simple to the more complex type of cases, the behavior and evolution of information are infinite, but they are all based on one reality: the origin and evolution of any type of information depends on the information per se, of its structure, and codification which are elements that form a message as a functional organism. These elements have hundreds of variables which are computed into a scientific system that measures the information.

The VAC system operated under the VAC code which is able to decipher the matrix structure and workings of the information as a tangible and intelligent material.

The matrix information contains eight categories and various subcategories from which more than 300 variables are produced. From the localization and transmission of orders, to the sources of reproduction which make the information have one impact or another.

The use of the new VAC code and a new symbolic-mathematical language of programming, has permitted the development of the VAC INDEX, which is a tool that measures and evaluates the information.

The VAC index has a scale that ranges from 0-5, it measures 100% of the information and gives you the added value on a global impact that the information has. The level of impact is determined by the relation of each of the eight categories and attributes that compose the index. This way we can control and manage 100% of the information in relation with corporative and social values by which any organization or individual operates.

A practical example of one of the many cases of success

casovacDuring spanish municipal and regional elections of May 25, 2003 the spanish media hired organizations to do public opinion polls, acknowledging that these polls are very expensive to conduct and often unreliable.
The economic newspaper La Gaceta de los Negogicios, used the VAC system to measure the evolution of the campaign and predict its result. Before the campaign started the VAC index measured the impact of the message that was most valued by the spanish electorate.

Even though the major spanish newspapers as well as the spanish Gallup poll gave the PSOE (socialist party) victory over the PP ( liberal-conservative party), the VAC had predicted from the very beginning that the PP would win the elections because it was the party which most adhered to the message that was most valuable to the spanish electorate. As it turned out the PP won 9 of the 13 regional elections. [ See how it was published- PDF]

The benefits for the economic newspaper that hired the VAC system where twofold. First, they saved much more money by hiring the VAC system than the rest of the media who elected to go with the traditional polling system.

Second, the economic newspaper was able to predict with exactitude the results of the election and analyze the day to day progress of the election. The day after the elections La Gaceta de los Negocios ran its front page headline,“ The VAC system got it right: the electoral results were not overturn” [ See the front page of the Daily- PDF]

See also article: The VAC INDEX and the polls, by Antxón Sarasqueta -PDF]

Link to VAC SYSTEM web

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